Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Baby Beebee Bird

Redfield, Diane Massie. 2000. The Baby Beebee Bird. New York: HarperCollins.

This story takes place in a zoo. One night all the zoo animals are kept awake by a baby Beebee bird that has its days and nights mixed up. The zoo animals have to come up with a solution to this problem because the baby bird is keeping them awake all night long.

This sweet story is very entertaining. The illustrations are charming and add a lot to the story. It also has a good message showing how all the animals work together to come up with a solution to a problem. This would be a great book to read aloud to young children. The children will be able to chime in on the refrain and become activiely involved in this sweet and funny story.

Publishers Weekly( June 02, 2003 ; 0-06-051784-0 ) The zoo animals wish the beebee bird would stop making so much noise and let them get some sleep. First published in 1963, now with all-new illustrations by Kellogg, "the beebee's insistent song shows up here in hot pink type, issuing an irresistible invitation to join in," said PW. Ages 3-6. (May) Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information.

Booklist( December 15, 2000 ; 0-06-028083-2 ) Ages 3^-7. "This lively bedtime story, first published in 1963, gets a worthy revival in this enlarged edition. The facial expressions on Kellogg's animals loom large, extending (and only occasionally overwhelming) the simple story and giving visual voice to a story big on child appeal. The text has been adapted slightly in the new edition for clarity and to fit the new illustrations. Here's a gentle message with a boisterous refrain."--Amy Brandt

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